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Bringing folk music and people together for over 50 years!
Golden Link Folk Singing Society

Potpourri Jam

Potpourri FlowersPotpourrimixture of dried, naturally fragrant plant material, used to provide a gentle natural scent inside buildings.

 In April of 1991 the first Potpourri Jam occurred, and it has been a regular yearly event ever since!

No, we don't feature fragrant folk singers, but rather form groups of 4 or 5 people at random, give them about 10 weeks to choose songs and practice, and finally present them at the Potpourri Jam which tends to be held around the turn of the year.

 If you choose to participate we can guarantee that you will have fun and get to know other GLFSS members well. You will have the opportunity to perform on stage with microphones, typically for a 20-25 minute set. Often the participants then go their separate ways, but some groups work so well that they continue to play together long after.   JAVA is one such group that started in the 2005 Potpourri, and continued to perform at coffee houses and other venues in the Rochester area for many years.

Potpourri GroupYour commitment: A willingness to meet regularly (perhaps 8 sessions) to choose songs and practice. Flexibility and a sense of adventure.

How to sign up: The Potpourri Jam is open to the public so you don't need to be a Golden Link member to apply. It typically occurs in the late fall, but you can sign up at any time to be considered. Just click the button below to bring up an email form so you can send your information to our PotPourri coordinator. You'll be contacted when selections are made for the PotPourri groups.  For future Potpourris, keep an eye on the Home Page for an announcement of the next Jam, or check out our Concerts Page for a listing of upcoming concerts and events including the Potpourri Jam.

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